Sunday 1 June 2014


                                    My school life is over & now no more school ,every fun is over and I am feeling like that I am missing a part of my life.
  My school is just five minutes away from my home so when every morning I can see the students together passing through the road  It makes me remember my sweet memories of school, I can hear the sound of beating drum and I hear "attention" "stanaties" from the assembly. 
  At those days I used to think school is a part of hell and now I realize it was my golden days of my life.   I use to leave home at 7:00 AM morning and back at 5:00 PM. I was not having any single problem of my life, I had to worry about nothing just a little worry about school homework for maths and physics which I felt like scraps. and the days were only filled only with my mischievousness.
   I miss the silly gossips with friends about the boys, I miss the fighting with friends for seat, I miss the tiffin which we all used to share with each other and oh yes I used to eat tiffin in the classroom hiding from teacher that was fabulos. When panicker sir used ask questions to everyone & How I hide my face behind my frriend and parys to God "Oh God today not me plz" and getting scolded by him and after he leaves the class how we use to abuse him. :). I miss the fights with you dear :(

TKM Institute of Technology

                        I still  remember my first day in college. I was so excited in meeting new people.It was a bit difficult at first to be with people I never knew. I didn't know how I should behave just to fit in. But eventually, everything went smoothly. I met wonderful friends whom are still my best buddies even until now. Every time we would meet up, we will never fail to recall how we were back in college; how we were molded to what we are now. College is a dry run of the rest of our lives. It's a training ground on how to be successful and become good people.